Germany’s reputation for research excellence attracts students from all over the world, creating a diverse community.

Germany is home to many universities renowned for academic excellence, and most universities in Germany offer free tuition, even for international students. Some of the scholarships provide a monthly allowance and involve a competitive selection process for all candidates.

However, studying in Germany may pose a greater challenge than in other international communities due to the language barrier. Similar to English-speaking countries, one of the very important criteria for admission into some universities is German language proficiency. Therefore, you may want to consider improving your German language skills to increase your chances of securing a scholarship in Germany for undergraduates.

Also, like every other scholarship, you must ensure you are eligible to study in Germany or any university in the country before applying. As you may be aware, fully funded international scholarships are highly competitive, and Germany is no exception.

Below is a list of ongoing fully funded scholarships in Germany for undergraduates that you can apply for right now.

Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany for Undergraduate (1)
Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany for Undergraduate (1)

List Of Fully Funded Scholarships In Germany For Undergraduates

1. SBW Berlin Scholarship

The SBW Berlin Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship for international students seeking to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Germany.

It supports talented international students who have already demonstrated social commitment and plan to use the skills they acquire to further social projects at a non-profit or social organization in their home countries.

Scholarship recipients will work on social projects during their studies in Berlin. This experience will help them develop additional skills to bring back to their home countries to improve living conditions there.

Beneficiaries are expected to return to their home countries after completing their studies, to advance improvement projects and implement the skills they acquired while studying and living in Berlin.

Eligibility for SBW Berlin Scholarship:

  • Foreign nationals whose countries of origin appear to be in particular need of support in their development
  • Holders of a student visa or residence permit for the purpose of taking up or pursuing studies
  • Between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Professional or volunteer experience in the non-profit/social sector (supported by letters of recommendation from the social institution or non-profit organization)
  • Have not resided in Germany for more than 18 months prior to application
  • The University’s entrance qualification
  • Intention to work for at least 18 months in the country of origin after graduation or to engage in charitable activities in Germany until the repayment plan is fulfilled
  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • Average grade equivalent to a German grade point average of at least 2.0
  • No first-degree family members permanently residing in Germany

Other conditions that must be met are:

  • Interest in social commitment and in the development of social projects
  • Collaboration (past and future) with a non-profit/social institution in the home country.
  • No financial support of family members or third parties through the scholarship program possible

The scholarship covers:

  • Monthly stipend: €1,000
  • One-time travel allowance: €1,000
  • Tuition fees: covered (up to €10,000 per year)
  • Health insurance: covered
  • Living expenses: covered (up to €1,000 per month)
  • Language course: covered (if required)

To apply for SBW Berlin Scholarship see the scholarship application form.

2. Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship Source

FES offers exceptional students the chance to study in Germany free of charge while providing comprehensive seminar programs to enhance their social competencies and academic skills.

While applying for this scholarship, you’re encouraged to showcase your high academic achievements for consideration.

The scholarship supports students from public or state – approved universities and polytechnics. It is also available for all academic subjects. International students can also apply.

It is crucial that you live and study in Germany at the time of application. You must also have a good command of the German language because applications are submitted in German.

Socio-political commitment and identification with fundamental values and social democracy are relevant qualities in securing this admission.

The eligibility criteria for Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship Source:

  • Excellent grades and academic record (high school diploma or equivalent)
  • Social and political engagement
  • Language proficiency (German language skills (B2 level or higher)) and (English language skills (B2 level or higher) for programs taught in English)
  • Strong and relevant personal qualities
  • Eligible fields of study ( Social sciences, Politics, Humanities, Law and Economics)
  • Typically 35 years or younger (may vary depending on the program)

The scholarship covers:

  1. Monthly stipend: (approx. $970 USD) for undergraduate students
  2. Tuition fees: up to a certain amount
  3. Health insurance
  4. Family allowance: (approx. $310 USD) per month for married students and (approx. $220 USD) per month for single parents
  5. Travel allowance: (approx. $110 USD) per month for travel expenses
  6. Academic support: Opportunities for academic and professional development
  7. Language skills development: Opportunities to improve German language skills

Information about the application can be found application portal here in German.

3. Hans Peter Wild Talent Scholarship

This scholarship is sponsored by the Hans Peter Wild Foundation. It is specifically for those students who are already enrolled or planning to be enrolled in the University of Heidelberg.

The scholarship is awarded once a year, at the beginning of Winter semester. It is open to students in and outside Germany. It is only available for MINT fields (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology).

To get this scholarship, you have to apply to the university and the scholarship separately.

The eligibility requirements Hans Peter Wild Talent Scholarship:

  1. be an undergraduate student
  2. be enrolled in a Bachelor’s program in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  3. must have demonstrated academic excellence
  4. must have demonstrated financial need

The benefits are:

  • Full tuition fees coverage
  • Monthly stipend
  • Additional funding for research projects, internships, or language course
  • Mentorship and networking opportunities

The scholarship lasts for six semesters.

The application must be submitted on the portal.

Documents that are required for this scholarship are:

  • Curriculum vitae in table form
  • Statement of motivation (part of the application form)
  • Certificate of university-entrance qualification; certificates that are not written in English or German require the original certificate indicating the final grade as well as an official translation in German or English and if available, an official conversion to the German grading system
  • Supporting documentation from the MINT field on prizes and awards, voluntarily completed internships, completed vocational training, participation in working groups, seminars, pupils‘ academies or a pupils‘ study programme, that can clearly be assigned to the specific person and contains a time specification
  • At least two recommendation letters from professionals in the MINT field. These can be, for example: teachers, lecturers, associate professors, research group leaders, academic staff, lecturers within the framework of a pupils‘ study programme or pupils‘ academy lasting several weeks

4. Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship:

This scholarship is sponsored by the state of Bavaria on behalf of the late Consul Oskar Karl Forster and is made available through the TUM (Technische Universität München), translated as (Technical University of Munich).

The scholarship is originally a financial aid for books and learning materials for students with university entrance certificates from Germany and students with non-German university entrance certificates who are entitled to BAföG (translated as Federal Training Assistance Act) assistance.

To be qualified, you have to meet the following requirements:

  • Academically-outstanding students demonstrating financial need, who have completed at least two semesters at the TUM
  • Low income (proof of need): All students who receive financial assistance under the BAföG Act are automatically considered to have a financial need. If not, the applicants parents and the applicants income will be considered and must be below 200% of the allowance pursuant to Section 1 BAföG. This amount decreases by the amount of income the applicant earns.
  • No prior financial aid received from the Oskar Karl Forster scholarship fund

The benefits include:

  • Full tuition fees coverage
  • Monthly stipend of €1,000
  • Additional funding for research projects, internships, or language courses

The scholarship is for a duration of 3 years maximum.

Here is the link to the application form

5. Erasmus Scholarship

The Erasmus Scholarship is a prestigious European Union-funded program that supports students, teachers, and staff in higher education to study, teach, or train abroad within Europe.

With this scholarship, you can study at a German university for one semester ( approx. 5-6 months) or two semesters (approx. 10-12 months). Note that it is not a full degree scholarship.

To be eligible for this scholarship, you have to:

  • Be currently enrolled in a home university which is a member of Erasmus Charter for Higher Education,
  • Seek to study in German university which is also a member of Erasmus Charter for Higher Education,
  • Want to become a subject of student exchange under a mutual agreement of both universities (sending and German hosting university) for specific mobility action.

The benefits of the scholarship are:

  1. Monthly stipend: €300-€400 (depending on the host country)
  2. Tuition fees covered (or partially covered)
  3. Travel allowance
  4. Library resources.
  5. Health insurance
  6. Language support
  7. And other study related costs

To apply, you should:

  • Submit the completed application form of the specific mobility action
  • If granted,you will get an agreement for the mobility period, signed between student and sending institution,
  • You will get a Learning Agreement for the study programme to follow in Germany; approved by you, sending institution and hosting institution in Germany,
  • You get the Erasmus+ Student Charter which specifies student’s rights and obligation towards the hosting institution in Germany.

FAQS | Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany for Undergraduate

How to Get 100% Scholarship in Germany?

To get a 100% scholarship to study in Germany, you need to do a lot of research to find the scholarship that best suits you. One of the major requirements of a fully funded scholarship for Germany is proficiency in the German language, amongst other typical requirements. Like every other scholarship as well, you need to closely follow your application for any scholarship program that you have applied to, and make sure you follow instructions to the later.

Does Germany Offer Undergraduate Scholarships?

Yes, Germany offers undergraduate scholarships. Although most of the scholarships available for undergraduate studies in Germany may not be directly offered by the county, they are still for studies in Germany. For instance, the Erasmus Scholarship is sponsored by the European Union and it is not available for studies in Germany alone.
It is also important to note that the eligibility criteria, application deadlines and other relative information may vary, so it is important to follow up your chosen scholarship closely to understand its dynamics.

Which Is the Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany for African Students?

Some fully funded scholarships in Germany for African Students include DAAD Scholarship Programs, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarships, Leadership for Africa Scholarship Programme and Expatrio Scholarship. Note that the requirements for these scholarships vary, so it is important that you find out the peculiarity of any one you are interested in.

How to Apply for Germany Fully Funded Scholarship?

There is no one-size-fits-all way to apply for scholarships. The application requirements for every scholarship varies. You have to choose the scholarship program you want to apply for, and then find out its eligibility requirement, if it is suitable for you.

Final Thought

There are quite a number of undergraduate scholarships available for study in Germany. These scholarships have their peculiarities, and you will have to tailor your efforts to meet the requirements for your desired scholarship program.

Additionally, most of these scholarships require proficiency in German language, so start sharpening your German Language skills!

To be efficiently prepared, you have to start work on your application already. Start putting documents together and make sure to submit your application before the deadline.

Pursuing higher education in a foreign country can be challenging, but with determination and hard work, you can achieve your goals.

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