There are lots of fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada for anybody pursuing a PhD degree. These opportunities in Canada are a worthwhile investment. Canada has the best universities and a welcoming multicultural community that is convenient for studies. 

Note: DO NOT be in a haste to read and go! Take your time. The information that can help you secure the scholarship may just be in a paragraphy you might have skipped. Alternatively, you can check around for more scholarship opportunities here.

A lot of students aspire to study in Canada because of the many benefits that accompany it.

From their Top-Notch Universities, which were topping the charts globally, to their budget-friendly fees and work policy, which allow you to work while studying and stay up to 3 more years with a post-graduation work permit.

You get to network and make friends with people from all walks of life who are also studying or working in Canada. 

International students interested in studying for their Ph.D. in Canada can take advantage of the various Ph.D. scholarship opportunities offered to international and domestic students in Canada. This article will give you a list of fully funded PhD scholarships in Canada.

10 Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Canada

These Scholarships are fully funded PhD. Doctoral degree fees are often higher, this offers every PhD student support to complete their degrees. Here are the few PhD scholarships in Canada you can check out. 

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 

Canadian and International students who are doing research programs in healthcare, natural science, social science, and economics are usually given an award grant of CAD 70,000 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to complete their research programs.

This offer is open to only 70 students who get this support for two years to complete their research journey. 

To be amongst the 70, you must meet these eligibility requirements for the Ph.D. scholarship, which include:

  • International students must hold a Basting Fellowship at a Canadian institution.
  • Canadian citizens who earned their degree abroad must have a Basting Fellowship in Canada.
  • Canadian citizens who earned their degree in Canada can choose a Canadian or a foreign institution for their Basting Fellowship.

Montreal University Fully Funded Scholarship

Every year, Montreal University awards CA$ 21,593.35 to PhD aspirants who have distinguished themselves academically to complete their doctoral program. This opportunity is open to all international students. 

To be eligible for this PhD scholarship:

  • Must be an International student, not a Canadian citizen or resident. 
  • Admitted to full-time program at Montreal. 
  • Must have met the academic requirements of the university and program of study. 

You can start applying for this scholarship if you meet the eligibility requirements.

How to apply for Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Canada
How to apply for Fully Funded PhD Scholarships in Canada

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships(VCGS)

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship is offered by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR], the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [NSERC] and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC]) for Ph.D. aspirants who want to undertake PhD studies in health, natural sciences, Social Sciences, as well as Engineering. 

They offer up to CAD 50,000 to students with outstanding leadership skills and academic achievements who wish to pursue social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, engineering, or health studies. 

Before applying, check if you meet the requirements to apply for this Scholarship. To be eligible for this PhD scholarship:

  • A Canadian institution with a Vanier CGS quota will nominate you for the award. 
  • This doctoral degree must be your first 
  • Completed less than 20 months of doctoral studies by May 1, 2024
  • Maintained a first-class grade point average in two years of full-time study. 

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

International students studying in Canada at the University of Waterloo may apply for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships.  You can also apply if you are already enrolled in two—or three-year Ph.D. studies in social science or the humanities. Your doctoral research must focus on responsible citizenship, human rights, Canada and the world, or people and their natural environment.

 The scholarship package includes CAD 20,000 for research and travel and an extra CAD 40,000 for tuition and living expenses annually. 

RECOMMENDED: How To Get Scholarships in Canada.

To be eligible for this PhD scholarship:

  • You must have enrolled in a full-time doctoral program to finish your studies in 2027.
  • Must be studying human sciences relevant to Canada’s future.
  • Your Doctoral thesis must be linked to the Foundation’s Themes, such as Human Rights, Citizenship, Canada in the World, and the Natural Environment.

Ontario Trillium Scholarship

The Ontario Trillium Scholarship is one of Canada’s most esteemed Ph.D. scholarships. It awards a grant of CAD 40,000 to Ph.D. students. The top picks are based on merit and program criteria.

 The four-year scholarship provides partial funding for a Ph.D. in any field at Ontario’s top universities. 

Eligibility requirements include:

  • International students must have a Canadian student visa.
  • Must be proficient in English as well. Taking the IELTS exam is needed.
  • Must apply to join a full-time doctoral program.
  • Cannot hold any other Canadian scholarships, like QEII-GSST or UW Provost.
  • Must have a minimum of 8.0 average in a full-time master’s degree.
  • Must have yet to complete a degree in Ontario post-application.
  • Must be a student outside of Ontario University. 

Ontario Graduate Scholarship(OGS)

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship is open to international students who are outstanding in academics. An award of CAD 5,000 is given per term for completing their Ph.D. studies.

This scholarship team-up is sponsored by the Province of Ontario and the University of Toronto. To be eligible:

You must have enrolled in a full-time graduate program in Ontario.

  • It would help if you had an A average in your academics.
  • Must be in a master’s or doctoral program for 2 or 3 years.
  • It would help to have a valid study permit, even as a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or international student.

Ensure you submit your application before the deadline if you meet these requirements.

University of Melbourne Scholarship

International students pursuing a Master’s or Ph.D. program at the University of Melbourne can apply for the Prestigious Travelling Scholarships.

Applicants can apply to study any of the courses offered by the university.

University of Alberta Scholarships

The University of Alberta awards interested scholars a grant to undertake Ph.D. studies. The Graduate Entrance Scholarship offers qualified scholars a grant of CA$21,000, CA$31,000CA$21,000, and CA$31,000 for international students to embark on a full-time doctoral program at the University of Alberta.

This scholarship is merit-based chiefly, and applicants from a wide range of nations will not need to take the IELTS exam to be given admission. 

To be eligible:

  • You have to gain admission to the University of Alberta in either Jan 2024, May 2024, July 2024, or Sept 2024
  • You must be newly admitted to a doctoral program
  • You must have a GPA of 3.7 or higher in your previous degree. 
  • You must be a full-time student. 

University of Waterloo Scholarships 

 The University of Waterloo is one of Canada’s best universities, offering fully funded Ph.D. scholarships to interested candidates. This Scholarship is worth $10,000, and other perks are included. Depending on the course you are taking, deadlines for this scholarship vary.

To be eligible for this PhD scholarship in Canada:

  • You have to be on a full-time program.
  • Your cumulative point average must be at least 80% or first class in your master’s degree. 
  • You will be nominated by the department based on your allocation of funds.

University of Saskatchewan Scholarships

The University of Saskatchewan, a leading institution in research, offers a fully funded scholarship worth CA$20,000 to all international masters and Ph.D. students. Ph.D. scholars can snag up to CA$20,000 for over 36 months. This scholarship is based on Merit; your academic excellence and financial need speak for you.

To be eligible for this PhD scholarship in Canada; A cumulative 80% grade point average will increase your chances of being selected. You must also have completed your master’s in a relevant field at a globally known university.

McGill University Scholarships in Canada

McGill University provides scholarship opportunities for international students to embark on undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. programs. Ph.D. aspirants can get up to CA$ 3,000 annually to ease the financial burdens of getting a scholarship.

This offer is open for Canadian students till September 27, while international applicants have to apply by August 24.

This scholarship is solely merit-based, and to be eligible, you have to fulfill these criteria:

  • Enrolled full-time at McGill University 
  • Apply for student aid
  • Maintain outstanding academic performance. 

These scholarships are legitimate. You can apply for anyone you meet the requirements.. 


How Do I Get a PhD Stipend in Canada?

Most scholarship offers in Canada pay Stipends to students in Ph.D. programs. You can get up to $30,000 to $50,000 for a 3-year research period. The selection criteria for these scholarships are usually based on academic excellence, research proposal, financial needs, and leadership skills. 

With research, you can apply for any scholarship that offers reasonable stipends to help you in your PhD studies.

Which Country Is Best for Fully Funded PhD?

Countries like Canada, the UK, the US, Australia, and South Korea offer fully funded scholarships for Ph.D. programs. If you meet the requirements, you can search for and apply for them.

Is There 100% Scholarship in Canada?

Yes! Some Canadian universities offer 100% scholarships to cover tuition fees and living expenses. These scholarships are usually competitive and are awarded based on academic excellence, leadership potential, creative abilities, and research achievements.

Is PhD at University of Toronto Fully Funded?

Some faculty at the University of Toronto offer scholarship awards to cover tuition and fees for all domestic and international students’ program duration. A student can receive a minimum base funding of $18,500 for four years, which comes in the form of a Teaching Assistantship (TAship) and Faculty scholarship to complete their study program.

Is PhD in Canada Fully Funded?

Not at all. However, some universities can offer student scholarship awards based on specific criteria, such as academic excellence, leadership abilities, and research skills, in collaboration with other organizations.

Which Is the Easiest Country To Get PhD?

Some countries make it easy to get admission for PhD studies. And their fees are also fair and affordable. These countries include; Canada, the US, the UK, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Australia.

Final Thought

Getting admission to study for a Ph.D. in Canada through a scholarship can be difficult, but it is not impossible. You should thoroughly research all the requirements and prepare yourself before applying for scholarships to study in Canada.

This article has exposed the different fully funded Ph.D. scholarships in Canada and explained how to get them. 

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