IVC Scholarship Past Questions and Answers | Passing the International Vocational Centre (IVC) scholarship exams can be quite a difficult task for most people. This is because most of them experience stage fright and tension whenever they are presented with exam question papers, even after studying very hard. The majority of them also fail because they were not exposed to the past questions for the scholarship program and how to answer them correctly.

Note: DO NOT be in a haste to read and go! Take your time. The information that can help you secure the scholarship may just be in a paragraphy you might have skipped. Alternatively, you can check around for more scholarship opportunities here.

If you are really preparing for the IVC scholarship, I think the best thing you need to do now is to familiarize yourself with the past questions before the exam date.

Carefully studying the past questions and getting to know their answers will definitely increase your chances of passing the exam successfully, as most of the past questions are repeated yearly.

The exam committee has limited time to set new exam questions for applicants each year; they only reshuffle and pick randomly among questions from recent years. You are to utilize the opportunity to your own advantage.

The questions are picked randomly from different subjects such as Mathematics, English, and General knowledge. If you haven’t had access to these past questions, make sure to read till the end, as past questions and answers will be provided to you freely.

RECOMMENDED: How to Apply for IVC Scholarship.

IVC Scholarship Past Questions and Answers
IVC Scholarship Past Questions and Answers

IVC Scholarship Past Questions and Answers

Here are  past questions and answers on the  IVC scholarship examination 

Category A: 

Instruction for the option A-D,

Choose the one which best explain the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics in the following statements

 1.)  Dowry is the burning question of the day

  1. Relevant Problem
  2. Dying issue
  3. An irrelevant problem
  4. A widely debated issue.

       Correct Answer (D)

2.) When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunderstorm 

  1. Timid
  2. Peaceful
  3. Distressed
  4. Indomitable 

       Correct Answer(C)

3.) I am afraid the two brothers are at cross purposes

  1. Quarreling with Each other 
  2. Dislike each other 
  3. Are working against each other
  4. Are misunderstanding each other 

       Correct Answer(D)

4.) He fell ill at ease after receiving the letter from his son 

  1. Disturbed
  2. Relieved
  3. Embarrassed
  4. Sick

       Correct Answer(C)

5.) His hard earned money has gone down the drain

  1. Has been wasted
  2. Has been spent
  3. Has been collected
  4. Has been looted 

       Correct Answer (A)

6.) He is temporarily in charge of the company and is trying to feather his nest

  1. Raise the image of the company 
  2. Bring order and discipline in the company
  3. Acts for his own future benefits
  4. Diversify the products of the company 

       Correct Answer(C)

7.) He is really a broken reed

  1. A frustrated man 
  2. An unsuccessful person
  3. One who has lost in business
  4. Undependable 

       Correct Answer (A)

8.) John was left high and dry by his friends when he lost all  his money

  1. Isolated
  2. Rejected
  3. Wounded
  4. Depressed

       Correct Answer( B)

9.) The train was late and we had to kick our heels

  1. Run fast
  2. Wait eagerly
  3. Waste time
  4. Play some games

       Correct Answer(C)

10.) His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass

  1. Cowardly and brutal
  2. An unrealistic and deceitful person 
  3. A hidden enemy
  4. Low and mean

       Correct Answer(C)

11.) He is a queer fish, I have failed to understand him

  1. Funny person
  2. Sensitive person
  3. Strange person
  4. Quarrelsome person

       Correct Answer(C)

12.) Who will carry the day in this war?

  1. Win
  2. Attack first
  3. Be defeated
  4. Withdraw first

       Correct Answer(A)

13.) Being an introvert,he will only eat his heart out

  1. Eat too much
  2. Keep brooding 
  3. Invite trouble 
  4. Suffer silently

       Correct Answer (D)

14.) One should not indulge in tall talks

  1. Flattering 
  2. Boasting
  3. Ideal talk
  4. Irrelevant talk

       Correct Answer (B)

15.) He left his friends in lurch 

  1. Left forever
  2. Left temporarily 
  3. Left to his fate
  4. Left when he was needing help 

       Correct Answer (D)

16.) It is difficult for me to believe you, so  please put down everything in black and white 

  1. In details
  2. In written form
  3. Subsequently as it happened
  4. What you saw

       Correct Answer (B)

17.) The number of globetrotters has increased after the Second World War

  1. Foreign countries 
  2. Great persons
  3. People of importance 
  4. Travelers around the world 

       Correct Answer (D)

18.) None of this hanky-panky: please talk straight

  1. Indifferent 
  2. Jugglery
  3. Diversification 
  4. Obsession 

       Correct Answer (B)

19.) Samson used very ugly words against his uncle; he threw down the gauntlet before him

  1. He abused and Insulted him
  2. He behaved as if he was a very great and important person
  3. He threw the challenge 
  4. He put several conditions for negotiations 

       Correct Answer(C)

20.) He has designed on the young girl

  1. Wanted to rape
  2. Desired to be alone with
  3. Wants to cheat
  4. Wants to be intimate with

       Correct Answer (A)

Category B: 

Instruction for the option A-D,

Choose the option that best completes the sentence 

21.) He is ___________ a Sailor 

  1. Cut Down
  2. Cut up
  3. Cut off
  4. Cut out for 

       Correct Answer (D)

22.) Our teacher often tell us a story to _______ the meaning of a lesson

  1. Bring in
  2. Bring out
  3. Bring up
  4. Bring forth 

       Correct Answer (B)

23.) Who will _____ my room every day in your absence

  1. Do with
  2. Do up
  3. Do for
  4. Do away with

       Correct Answer (B)

24.) The problem is who will ____ this child

  1. Bring in
  2. Bring out
  3. Bring up
  4. Bring forth

       Correct Answer(C)

25.) Never ______ till tomorrow what you can do today

  1. Put off
  2. Put by
  3. Put up
  4. Put in

       Correct Answer (A)

26.) At last, the rioters ______

  1. Fall in
  2. Fall out
  3. Fall back
  4. Fall off

       Correct Answer(C)

27.) His disease had _______ a chronic state

  1. Pass into
  2. Pass for
  3. Pass off
  4. Pass away 

       Correct Answer (A)

28.) The eagle is ______ pray

  1. Looking over
  2. Looking into
  3. Looking for
  4. Looking out for

       Correct Answer (D)

29.) ______ the word in the dictionary 

  1. Look to 
  2. Look up
  3. Look after 
  4. Look on

       Correct Answer (B)

30.) I cannot ____ anything ____ this telegram 

  1. Make up
  2. Make out
  3. Make over
  4. Make of

       Correct Answer (D)

31.) The fire ____ a dense smoke 

  1. Gave off
  2. Gave away 
  3. Went into
  4. Went upon

       Correct Answer (A)

32.) The two brothers quarreled sometime ago but they have now ______

  1. Made up
  2. Made out
  3. Made over
  4. Made of 

       Correct Answer (A)

33.) The building was _____

  1. Pulled up
  2. Pulled through 
  3. Pulled down
  4. Pulled together 

       Correct Answer(C)

34.) He ______ his dishonest servant 

  1. Turned up
  2. Turned off
  3. Turned out
  4. Turned away

       Correct Answer (D)

35.) We have no data to _______

  1. Give off
  2. Give away
  3. Go into
  4. Go upon

       Correct Answer (D)

36.) Three months _____ without the accused being traced out

  1. Gone by
  2. Gone through 
  3. Gone down 
  4. Gone over

       Correct Answer (A)

37. She has patiently _____ the suffering of life

  1. Gone by
  2. Gone through 
  3. Gone down
  4. Gone over 

       Correct Answer (B)

38.) The Audience was ____ by his wit

  1. Carried away
  2. Carried out
  3. Carried on
  4. Carried through 

       Correct Answer (A)

39.) A judge should ______ equal justice to all

  1. Deal with
  2. Deal by
  3. Deal out
  4. Deal in 

       Correct Answer(C)

40.) The Army intends to ____ the bridge with gunpowder 

  1. Blow out
  2. Blow up
  3. Blow away
  4. Blow into

       Correct Answer (B)

Category C: 

Instruction for the option A-D,

Choose the option that provide the right answer  for following questions 

41.) Express 0.75 as a fraction

  1. ¼
  2. ½
  3. ¾

       Correct Answer (A)

42.) Express the product of 0.21 and 0.34 in standard form

  1. 7.14 x 10-3
  2. 7.14 x 10-1
  3. 7.14 x 10-2
  4. 7.14 x 10-4

       Correct Answer(C)

43.) Sarah is currently 22 years old. Seven years ago, her age was three times the age of her younger sister, Rachael. How old is Rachael now?

  1. 6 years old
  2. 12 years old
  3. 8 years old
  4. 9 years old

       Correct Answer (B)

44.) which of the following number can be written as     6 1/4 

  1. 6.14
  2. 6.4
  3. 6.01
  4. 6.25

        Correct Answer (D)

45.) A cutting wheel cuts through an inch of glass in 2 minutes. How long will it take to cut 6 inches deep?

  1. 10 minutes 
  2. 12 minutes
  3. 14 minutes 
  4. 8 minutes

       Correct Answer (B)

46.) If team P and Q are involved in a game of football. What is the probability that the game will end in a draw  

  1. ½
  2. ¼

       Correct Answer(C)

47.)  If 6Pr = 6, find the value of 6Pr+1

  1. 30
  2. 33
  3. 35
  4. 15

       Correct Answer (A)

48.) Given distribution of color beads: blue, black,yellow, white and brown with frequencies 1,2,3,4,5 respectively. Find the probability that a bead picked at random will be blue or white.

  1. ½

        Correct Answer(C)

49.) Find the rate of change of volume, V of a sphere with respect to the radius, r when r =1 

  1. 37.7cm3
  2. 12.6 cm3
  3. 75.4 cm3
  4. 25.1 cm3

       Correct Answer (B)

50.) If  2x+5 =4x+1. Find x

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 1
  4. 5

       Correct Answer (B)

51.) A group of stars is__________

  1. Milky Way
  2. Galaxy
  3. Geoid 
  4. Planet

       Correct Answer (B)

52.) 300 seconds is equivalent to _______ minutes

  1. 5
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 7

        Correct Answer (A)

53.) Convert 4 days 10 hours to hours

  1. 40 hours
  2. 96 hours
  3. 106 hours
  4. 100 hours

        Correct Answer(C)

54.) The normal temperature of the human body is

  1. 35 to 45 degree celsius
  2. 25 to 35 degree celsius
  3. 37 to 47 degree celsius
  4. 15 to 30 degree Celsius

       Correct Answer (A)

55.) The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 5. Find the numbers

  1. 3 and 2
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 1 and 2
  4. 2 and 3

        Correct Answer (D)

56.) The average heartbeat of human is _____ beats/min

  1. 72
  2. 60
  3. 70
  4. 83

       Correct Answer (A)

57.) A coin is thrown once. What is the probability of getting a head

  1. ½
  2. 1

        Correct Answer (A)

58.) In a class of 60 students, 25 are boys. What percentage of students are girls

  1. 41.67%
  2. 58.3%
  3. 35%
  4. 25%

       Correct Answer (B)

59.) A box contains 2 red balls, 3 black balls and 5 yellow balls, If 2 balls are drawn without replacement. What is the probability of obtaining a red and black ball

  1. 1/12
  2. 6/100
  3. 20/5
  4. 1/15

       Correct Answer (D)

60.) which of these is a country and a continent 

  1. Africa 
  2. Europe
  3. Australia 
  4. Antarctica 

       Correct Answer(C)

Final Thoughts

One of the ways to overcome anxiety when preparing for the International Vocational Centre (IVC) examination is by studying previous questions and mastering the structure.

Practicing these past questions will help improve your retention rate and also help you ascertain how thoroughly you have studied for the upcoming screening exercise. It will also give you an idea of what you are expected to do.

Furthermore, it will aid you in tracking your speed and time management. You can use these past questions to practice in order to know how much time it will take you to complete the exam if you are the one currently writing it.

I strongly believe that the best way to identify your strengths and weaknesses in certain subjects is by reviewing past questions. This will help you allocate more time to studying to ensure you cover each topic extensively.

The IVC scholarship exam is not very difficult, but it is only for those who truly understand the tips and tricks involved in passing it. I can confidently tell you that many people who successfully passed this exam had strategically mastered these techniques.

Study the questions outlined above in order to equip yourself fully for the next upcoming IVC scholarship exam.

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